Existing school harassment policies

Title of Document

Fact Sheet: Harassment based on Race, Color, or National Origin on School Campuses

This fact sheet reminds schools of their federal civil rights obligations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) and its implementing regulations to take prompt and effective action to respond to harassment that creates a hostile environment. The fact sheet describes how OCR determines the existence of a hostile environment and details schools’ obligations to address and remedy a hostile environment. The fact sheet also provides hypothetical examples to help schools assess their Title VI obligations, including the requirement to promptly and effectively address alleged acts of discrimination, including harassment.

Dear Colleague Letter: Protecting Students from Discrimination, such as Harassment, Based on Race, Color, or National Origin, including Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics

The Dear Colleague Letter shares resources about federal civil rights obligations of schools and other recipients of federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education to ensure nondiscrimination based on race, color, or national origin under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its implementing regulations, specifically with respect to students and school community members who are or are perceived to be Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, Hindu, or Palestinian or students of any other faith or whose families come from any other region of the world. This guidance responds to recent increases in complaints filed with OCR raising these issues as well as to public reports of discrimination on these bases in schools serving students in preschool through grade 12 and colleges and universities throughout the country.