Should you reposition your assets to qualify for more college financial aid?
The best advice on positioning clients’ assets for financial aid is based on several factors, but first let’s clarify what type of financial aid the asset question pertains to. There are two types of college aid, need-based aid and academic merit aid. Merit aid is straight forward, if you have the grade, you get the aid. For example, a student might have a 3.8 GPA and an ACT score of 32 and receive a $15,000 per year Dean’s Scholarship. That’s good news for smart kids, and those that won’t qualify for need-based aid.
Need-based aid eligibility is based on the formula (Cost of attendance – Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Need). Expected family contribution (EFC) is the minimum amount the family is expected to contribute toward the cost of college, and is calculated using three different methods: Federal Methodology (FM), Institutional Methodology (IM) and Consensus Methodology (CM). All three EFC calculations are based on the income and assets of the parents and student as reported on the two financial aid forms, the FAFSA (FM) and the CSS Profile (IM and CM).
Retirement assets are not counted in the calculation of EFC, but assets that aren’t in retirement accounts --- balances in checking, savings, CDs, money market, investment real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, commodities, etc.---do get included in the EFC formulas. For more detail read my post on how assets hurt aid eligibility on the FAFSA and CSS aid forms.
Parents’ total reportable assets will vary depending upon the EFC methodology, and from that reportable asset value the savings allowance of about $40,000 to $50,000 is subtracted to arrive at an available asset value. Parents are expected to use up to 5.64% (Federal) and 5% (Institutional and Consensus), of those available assets each year on college. Small businesses, home equity and non-qualified annuities are not counted in the FM, but they are in the IM and CM, although, under the CM home equity is capped at 1.2 times the parent’s adjusted gross income.
Students must report the same types of assets as parents, but students do not have a savings allowance, so 100% of the value of student-owned assets gets counted. Student-owned assets are counted at a rate of 20% (FM), 25% (IM) and 5% (CM), but under the FM, 529 college savings accounts and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) are counted as parent’s assets (5.64%) even though they are owned by the student. Life insurance cash values and personal assets like cars do not count under any of the formulas. More importantly, the aid formulas expect parents to contribute 47% of their net income after taxes and modest allowances. So it is income more than assets that drives what families are calculated to contribute toward the cost of college.
This is how I arrive at my advice to clients on asset positioning and college aid.
If the expected family contribution based on parental income alone is higher than the cost of the college, the student won’t qualify for need-based aid. Therefore, unless the parents can lower their income, neither the parent’s nor student’s assets impact aid eligibility.
If you're a business owner read this post: Did Your LLC, S Corp or Partnership just cost your kid $100,000 in college aid?
Use my EFC quick reference table to estimate your income-only EFC using the federal EFC methodology. Keep in mind it is an estimate only.
However, if the income-only EFC is less than the college’s cost, then depending on family assets the student may qualify for need-based aid. If the student has assets, they will impact aid eligibility, and if the parent’s reportable assets exceed their savings allowance, their “excess” assets will impact eligibility too. So then I look at reasonable options the family has to decrease reportable assets and increase aid eligibility, knowing that they still have to pay their share of the cost out of their income, assets and loans (if necessary). Read my big warning about being advised to use life insurance and annuities to reposition assets
If a family doesn’t qualify for aid, focus on tax savings, merit aid and how they will pay their share of the cost.
There is more to consider.
Paying for college doesn't happen in a financial vacuum. You have to consider the tax cost of moving an asset. Will it spike your income this year and ruin all chance of aid next year? Read about capital gains and college aid here. Can you access the asset if you need to? Does it make overall financial sense for college funding and retirement savings? Remember, college is a toll booth on the road to retirement. You need to pay the college tolls as wisely as possible so you can stay up to speed for retirement. What if one of your biggest assets is your home equity, is your child looking at colleges that don't count home equity, count 100% of it against you or does the college base how home equity is counted against you on how much income you have?
Are Your Advisors Helping?
Your focus should not center on financial aid alone! The consultative approach to college planning integrates college selection, financial aid, “tax aid” and the best use of the family’s personal resources into a best strategy that will allow the family to pay for college and grow assets for retirement. It‘s all interconnected and each family's strategy should be too. Unfortunately, parents can have a financial advisor, CPA, admissions consultant, insurance and legal professionals and not get good advice at all on paying for college. It happens all of the time. That is because they are experts in their own areas, not how all those areas come together to pay for college based on college selection, financial aid, tax strategies and wealth management - ultimately preserving parents' hard earned assets and income. This is also why most of what you read about paying for college in the media, at college aid nights, and from most financial firms, is often misleading or only correct in some cases or at some colleges. The answer to almost every college planning question is, it depends. It depends on you and your family.
Your Choice - Your Strategy
Every family's best strategy is unique to them, their college selection choices, financial resources and what sacrifices they want to make. With the price of college soaring to $100,000 - $250,000 in today's prices per child (after tax), parents are looking for savvy ways to pay the best price for the best colleges. That requires a strategy - your strategy.