Haiti - Transforming the Curriculum for the Education of Tomorrow

Enhance the quality and relevance of education in Haiti, preparing learners and society for current and future challenges.


Since 2022, the Haitian Ministry of National Education and Professional Development (MENFP), supported by the International Bureau of Education of UNESCO (UNESCO-IBE) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), has embarked on a large-scale transformation of Haiti’s education. After an initial phase focused on diagnosing the system’s challenges and building capacity, the MENFP is now poised to enact a comprehensive Roadmap for curriculum transformation in Haiti —a product of a collective effort involving all stakeholders.

The primary goal is to reshape the system and empower its participants to deliver quality, inclusive education in Haiti.

The MENFP has declared the curriculum a top priority in Haiti’s education reform. UNESCO-IBE considers it the most critical component of the education system and its driving force. The definition of curriculum used here goes beyond educational programs to encompass several other components and elements of the education system in a systemic approach, from the guiding documents laying out the vision for education to the evaluation practices and including all levels in between – school and training programs, pedagogical materials and manuals, inspectors, pedagogical advisers and trainers’ material and practices as well as teacher practices in the classroom.

Click here to read more about the program.

Meet Wilda. Watch this video - in French and Creole - that follows a girl through her schooling in Haiti and explains what changes need to happen for Haiti to secure quality education for all.